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Friday 22 September 2017

Protect your USB flash | USB flash tips

USB flash drives are now the most common ways to save data, they are nearly every where, schools, university's, office's, houses, etc. Their cheap price and their small size plus a good capacity makes them ready for every thing, you can now have a USB flash for $5 or even cheaper to store your data.
in another point of view they are some times facing us problem, use tips below to maximize your protection.

  • If you don't want the virus to eat your data, when you plug it to somewhere you don't know, don't open the files with double click, use right click + open to avoid viruses entering your files.
  • Scan your USB regularly with an updated and secure anti-virus. (Kaspersky, symantec, Norton are the best USB scanners)
  • If you plug your USB and didn't find anything don't get scared! simply go to control panel < folder options < view , then remove the ticks from :
Hide empty drives, Hide extensions for  known file types, Hide folder merge conflicts, Hide protected operating system files.
then press the button of the  "Show hidden files folders and drivers" then press ok.
Now go to your USB, you will find an unusual folder like your USB icon, click it and you will find your files inside.

  • Defragmenting your USB makes it faster top use.
  • The USB that you buy has less space than it says, for example a  8 GB flash you will only have 7.2 GB storage 0.8 GB goes for system files.simply find the original spaces for the USB drives by subtracting 10% of the written space.
  • Never remove the header to long, dust and air makes the USB header dusty and rusty, so it may be unusable and you lose all of your data.
  • Some USB flashes have a place for you to attach a rope or other things, use them if you lose your USB much, attach it with a rope to your car keys or anywhere safe.
  • Always eject your USB then unplug do it by right clicking your USB icon on the start bar and then clicking eject.


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