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Tuesday 12 February 2019

My thoughts of Google+

Image result for Google plus 

 As you know Google plus is shutting down in April 2019, I had some experience with it, though I never enjoyed it in a nutshell.
Google keeps failing in creating a major, reliable social media, if you can see the number of attempts this big company has made. Google Allo, Google hangouts, Google talk and now google plus.
You might think that well, I still use some of those but you can't regret the fact that you use Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter more than Google services.
Me as a user of Google plus was not very sure what type of environment was google plus being used in and what is the purpose of it? I used it to get some news and learn German phrases which was posted by an account everyday. It wasn't perfect but it did the job quiet well.
 several reasons make a platform successful. 
  • Security
  • Creativity (some extra function to compete with others)
  • Developer support
  • Cross-platform
  • Support


User data leaks from the company caused it to lose the first and most important parameter of a social media platform.
Google defiantly lost some users upon the report of the leakage, so I think the decision of google was right to leave in glory instead of waiting for the users to pull out continuously and causing the name of Google to be ruined in the thoughts of people.
Image result for security

Creativity (extra-functionality):

If you do things as others do, you can never be a successor, you should do some extra-functionality to attract users to your social media. A good simple example would be emojis and stickers. The creativity has no limit and it is dependent to the company.
Google plus wasn't very creative in this era, Facebook always made headlines for Artificial intelligence, Hardware devices and etc. So they pulled users to their company. (Though they are popular for data leakage as well 😃 )

Developer support:

I can't deny that Google's developer support is good, they introduce you the API, upload tutorials, and most importantly, creating forums. 
 Developers should make money from their development which headline number 1 caused the users to migrate to other platforms and developers are left with less revenue. That's why the would prefer a better option like instagram and Twitter.
Image result for developer


Like the previous headline, Google provided a good cross-platform options. Including Android, IOS, Web etc...


The support was limited to forums and big companies don't provide good supports due to the high number of users compared to new, small platforms in this era. Google was pretty equal to others in this section too. Not very high, not very low.
Image result for Support



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