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Wednesday 4 October 2017

Using electronic devices in night:

Before sleeping make sure you do these, some of them are very identical and increases your electronic devices life:

  • It is good toTurn of routers and modems, routers and modems signal is bad for human body, especially in night when your body want's to relax. It causes the heart to beat unbalance and make's you sterile after a while when you are always in wife's signal. 
  •   Turn off your mobile phone or any device with wireless access, mobile's radio signals are bad for heart and brain. (wifi, and sim card signal's.) If you can't or you need it for alarm put it some where safe or turn on "Airplane mode"
  • Unplug or turn the switch off for any electronic device, this beside saving your budget (It cost's a lot in long period.) and increase's battery and the device's life.
  • Never play game's (especially horror or action one's) before sleep, you will have an uncomfortable sleep and strange dream's, so no games for 2 hrs until you sleep.
  • You can do massive download's or system update's at midnight, so you won't have to wait or have a bad network speed, some countries even offer free internet from midnight on wards(for example Iran offer's unlimited high speed network at midnight.) but do it with a cable or put the device away from where you sleep. (Remember rule 1 & 2)
  • Don't forget to put your electronics some where safe, when you wake up at night for a glass of water or going to toilet, you may not see your device and break it accidentally.
  • If using AC, put it turn it off or put a timer for it, this save's money and beside's your body need's a 28 degree temperature for a relaxing sleep. 


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